This made me smile.
Oudaveguy98: You can see the true joy and happiness.
Panoptes1: "First, we make our habits, then our habits make us" - Charles Noble
“首先,我们养成习惯,然后习惯塑造我们。” — 查尔斯·诺布尔
Dum_Plix : I have a case of nostalgia. Its chronic and has no cure.
nostalgia /nɒˈstældʒə/ [ U ] a feeling of sadness mixed with pleasure and affection when you think of happy times in the past 怀旧;念旧
chronic /ˈkrɒnɪk/ ( especially of a disease 尤指疾病 ) lasting for a long time; difficult to cure or get rid of 长期的;慢性的;难以治愈(或根除)的
The government is not tracking you because of vaccines.
Dark_Wolfy: You have a phone and a PC that is already tracked. If you use a Apple Phone, they also have your fingerprints and your face. If you drive a Tesla, they can even take over your car from remote and drive it with you locked inside it and they have all your ID and your voice recordings too.
NateMullikin: We are a country of superstitious morons. We deserve what is coming.
superstitious /ˌsuːpərˈstɪʃəs/ ADJ People who are superstitious believe in things that are not real or possible, for example magic. (人) 迷信的
moron /ˈmɔːrɑːn/ N-COUNT If you refer to someone as a moron, you think that they are very stupid. 白痴; 傻子
Free bird seed. 免费的鸟食。
Cornpopmofo: Ok thats pretty fucking cool! 这真的fxxking酷!
Raphifou_1201: Absolutely gorgeous. 相当漂亮。
gorgeous /ˈɡɔːdʒəs/
( informal ) very beautiful and attractive; giving pleasure and enjoyment 非常漂亮的;美丽动人的;令人愉快的
[ usually before noun] ( of colours, clothes, etc. 颜色、衣服等 ) with very deep colours; impressive 绚丽的;灿烂的;华丽的