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Years ago,a critical event occurred in my life that would change it forever.I met Kurt Kampmeir of Success Motivation Incorporation for breakfast.While we were __1__,Kurt asked me,“John,what is your __2_ for personal growth?”

Never at a loss for words,I tried to find things in my life that might __3__for growth.I told him about the many activities in which I was __4__.And I went into a _5__ about how hard I worked and the gains I was making.I must have talked for ten minutes.Kurt __6__ patiently,but then he __7__ smiled and said,“You don’t have a personal plan for growth,do you?”

“No”,I __8__.

“You know,” Kurt said simply,“growth is not a(n) __9__ process.”

And that’s when it __10__ me.I wasn’t doing anything _11__ to make myself better.And at that moment,I made the __12__:I will develop and follow a personal growth plan for my __13__.

That night,I talked to my wife about my __14__ with Kurt and what I had learned.I __15__ her the workbook and tapes Kurt was selling.We __16__ that Kurt wasn’t just trying to make a sale.He was offering a __17__ for us to change our lives and achieve our dreams.

Several important things happened that day.First,we decided to __18__ the resources.But more importantly,we made a commitment to __19__ together as a couple.From that day on,we learned together,traveled together,and sacrificed together.It was a __20__ decision.While too many couples grow apart,we were growing together.

1.A.working B.preparing C.thinking D.eating

2.A.suggestion B.demand C.plan D.request

3.A.appeal B.look C.call D.qualify

4.A.involved B.trapped C.lost D.bathed

5.A.lecture B.speech C.discussion D.debate

6.A.calculated B.listened C.drank D.explained

7.A.eagerly B.gradually C.gratefully D.finally

8.A.admitted B.interrupted C.apologized D.complained

9.A.automatic B.slow C.independent D.changing

10.A.confused B.informed C.pleased D.hit

11.A.on loan B.on purpose C.on sale D.on balance

12.A.comment B.announcement C.decision D.arrangement

13.A.life B.progress C.performance D.investment

14.A.contract B.conversation C.negotiation D.argument

15.A.lent B.sold C.showed D.offered

16.A.recalled B.defined C.recognized D.declared

17.A.tool B.method C.way D.rule

18.A.provide B.buy C.give D.deliver

19.A.grow B.survive C.move D.gather

20.A.difficult B.random C.firm D.wise


The Voice of America began during the World WarⅡ. When Germany was broadcasting a radio program to get international __21__ , American officials believed they should__22__ the German broadcast with words that they thought were the facts of world events. The first VOA news report began with words in __23__ . “The __24__may be good or bad, but we shall tell you the truth.” Within a week, other VOA __25__ were broadcasting in Italian, French and English.

After the World War Ⅱ ended in 1945, some Americans felt VOA’s__26__ had to be changed, __27__ the Soviet Union became enemy of America.They wanted to __28__Soviet listeners. Then VOA began broadcasting in Russian.

In the early years VOA began adding something new to its broadcast that was __29__“ Music USA”. Another new idea came along in 1959.VOA knew that many listeners did not know__30__ English to completely understand its __31__English broadcast. So VOA __32__ a simpler kind of English, _33__uses about 1,500 words and is spoken __34__of course, it is special English.

In the __35__ of most VOA listeners, the most__36__ program is the news report. News from around the world __37__ into the VOA news rooms in Washington 24 hours a day. It comes from VOA reporters in __38__cities and also from other __39__ like BBC.VOA writers and editors use these materials to __40__ news reports, which are being broadcast in 43 languages.

21. A.business B.culture C.support D.information

22. A.reply B.answer C.join D.interrupt

23. A.same B.short C.English D.German

24. A.news B.problems C.effects D.opinions

25. A.stations B.news C.announcers D.officials

26. A.home B.position C.purpose D.results

27. A.if B.supposing C.considering D.in order that

28. A.reach B.satisfy C.attack D.support

29. A.known B.reported C.called D.printed

30.A.American B.British C.standard D.enough

31.A.normal B.fast C.good D.exact

32.A.invented B.discovered C.taught D.stopped

33.A.it B.who C.which D.that

34.A.slowly B.rapidly C.normally D.loudly

35.A.pleasure B.course C.opinion D.advice

36.A.difficult B.important C.various D.common

37.A.flies B.sends C.delivers D.pasts

38.A.all B.major C.American D.news

39.A.broadcasts B.forms C.newspapers D.countries

40.A.broadcast B.announce C.translate D.prepare


For a long time Gabriel didn’t want to be involved in music at all.In his first years of high school,Gabriel would look pityingly at the music students,__41__across the campus with their heavy instrument cases,__42_at school for practice hours__43__ anyone else had to be there.He swore to himself to__44__music,as he hated getting to school extra early.

__45__,one day,in the music class that was __46__ of his school’s standard curriculum,he was playing idly (随意地)on the piano and found it __47__ to pick out tunes.With a sinking feeling,he realized that he actually __48__ doing it.He tried to hide his __49__ pleasure from the music teacher,who had __50__ over to listen.He might not have done this particularly well,__51__ the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good __52__ and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there __53__ him.There he decided to give the cello (大提琴) a __54_.When he began practicing,he took it very __55__.But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument,and was __56__ to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.

This __57__,of course,that he arrived at school early in the morning,__58__ his heavy instrument case across the campus to the __59__ looks of the non-musicians he had left __60__.

41.A.travelling B.marching C.pacing D.struggling

42.A.rising up B.coming up C.driving up D.turning up

43.A.before B.after C.until D.since

44.A.betray B.accept C.avoid D.appreciate

45.A.Therefore B.However C.Thus D.Moreover

46.A.part B.nature C.basis D.spirit

47.A.complicated B.safe C.confusing D.easy

48.A.missed B.disliked C.enjoyed D.denied

49.A.transparent B.obvious C.false D.similar

50.A.run B.jogged C.jumped D.wandered

51.A.because B.but C.though D.so

52.A.ear B.taste C.heart D.voice

53.A.occurred to B.took to C.appealed to D.held to

54.A.change B.chance C.mission D.function

55.A.seriously B.proudly C.casually D.naturally

56.A.committed B.used C.limited D.admitted

57.A.proved B.showed C.stressed D.meant

58.A.pushing B.dragging C.lifting D.rushing

59.A.admiring B.pitying C.annoying D.teasing

60.A.over B.aside C.behind D.out



1.答案 D [根据“for breakfast”,可知我在吃早饭的时候遇见了Kurt。故D项符合语境。]

2.答案 C [根据17空后“You don’t have a personal plan for growth,do you?”(对于个人成长你并没有计划,是吧?)可知Kurt在问我个人成长计划是什么。故C项正确。]

3.答案 D [appeal呼吁,吸引(通常与to连用);look for寻找;call for需要;qualify for有资格,能胜任;当Kurt提出这个问题的时候,我努力找出一些个人生活中与成长有关的事情。故D正确。

4答案 A [本句是定语从句,介词in提前到关系代词which之前。be involved in参与……;卷入……;be trapped in被困在……中;be lost in沉浸于……;be bathed in被……笼罩;我告诉他很多我所参加的活动。根据句意可知A项正确。]

5.答案 B [我在发表关于自己如何努力工作并取得了很大成就的演讲。lecture讲座;speech演讲;discussion讨论;debate辩论。故B项正确。]

6.答案 B [我讲了十分钟自己的个人努力及成就,Kurt一直耐心地听我讲。故B项正确。]

7.答案 D [Kurt耐心地听我讲了很长时间,最后他笑着对我说:“对于个人成长你并没有计划,是吧?”eagerly热切地;gradually逐渐地;gratefully感激地;finally最后。故D项正确。]

8.答案 A [“You don’t have a personal plan for growth,do you?”是一个否定的反意疑问句,在回答的时候“No”翻译为“是的”。说明我承认自己并没有个人成长计划。故A项正确。]

9.答案 A [automatic自动的;slow缓慢的;independent独立的;changing不断变化的;Kurt告诉我成长并不是一个自动的过程,一定要有计划性,有计划的个人成长才是有效的成长。从那以后我意识到自己在这方面的缺乏并作出改变。故选A项。]

10.答案 D [Kurt的话触动了我,我的确没有有意识地做一些事情让自己变得更好。hit sb“某人突然想起”。故D项正确。]

11.答案 B [on loan暂借;on purpose故意地;on sale降价出售;on balance总的来说。他的话让我意识到自己的确没有有意识地做一些让自己变得更好的事情。故B项正确。]

12.答案 C [comment评论;announcement通告;decision决定;arrangement安排。此处是说,我做出了一个决定:要为我的生活做一个个人的成长计划。故C项正确。]

13.答案 A life生活;progress进步;performance表演;investment投资。由上下文可知A正确。

14.答案 B [contract合同,契约;conversation对话;negotiation谈判;协商;argument争论。此处是说,我把我和Kurt的谈话告诉了妻子。故B项正确。]

15.答案 C [我向妻子展示了Kurt正在出售的书和磁带。故C项正确。]

16.答案 C [我们意识到他并不是想向我们兜售自己的书,而是给了我们一个改变生活和实现梦想的方法。根据句意可知C项正确。]

17.答案 C [Kurt给了我们一个改变生活和实现梦想的方法。故C项正确。]

18.答案 B [此处是说,我们决定购买他的书和磁带等资源。故B项正确。]

19.答案 A [根据上文可知Kurt和我谈论的是个人成长的话题。我和妻子在他的影响下承诺共同成长,一起进步。故A项正确。]

20.答案 D [由While too many couples grow apart,we were growing together.可知我和妻子一起成长。说明他的资源对我们有很大的帮助,我们做出的是一个明智的决定。故D项正确。]



22.选B。由with words可以想到answer。reply后接宾语时要加to。


24.选A。前文已说了播出的是news report。





29.选C。be called “被称做…”。


31.选A。区别于后文提到的special English。







38.选B。major cities指大城市。根据常识可排除A、D,根据around the world,可排除C。




41.答 D 根据“with their heavy instrument cases”可知,每天上学的时候,Gabriel总是同情地看着背着沉重乐器的同学们艰难地穿梭于校园中,struggle“努力,艰难地行进,斗争”,符合语境。

42.答案 D [根据“__42__ at school for practice hours __43__ anyone else”可知,学习音乐的同学需要比不学音乐的早到学校几个小时,为了练习弹奏乐器。turn up“出现”,符合语境。]

43.答案 A [“anyone else”指不学音乐的学生,学习音乐的要比规定的到校时间早到几个小时,before anyone else had to be there比规定的到校时间早几个小时。这也是Gabriel不想学习音乐的原因之一。]

44.答案 C [根据“as he hated getting to school extra early”可知,Gabriel讨厌过早到校,因此他对自己发誓“不学”音乐,A背叛;B接受;C避免,避开;D欣赏。故选C。]

45.答案 B [此处是说,Gabriel在一次音乐课上意外发现自己很喜欢音乐,此处所表达的含义与上一段是转折关系,故选B。]

46.答案 A [that was __46__ of his school’s standard curriculum是定语从句,音乐课是学校标准课程的一部分,言外之意就是说,每个学生都得上这个音乐课。]

47.答案 D [根据下句“actually...tried to hide...pleasure”等词或词组可以看出,Gabriel在音乐中找到了乐趣,并试图隐藏这份愉悦,由此可知,此处是说,他发现演奏音乐很容易。故选D。]

48.答案 C 根据actually可知,Gabriel对音乐的看法有了变化,他实际上是喜欢音乐的,故选C。

49.答案 B [Gabriel不想让音乐老师看到自己表露出来的很明显的喜悦之情,transparent指(谎言、借口)易看穿的;obvious明显的,显然的;false假的;similar相似的。故选B。]

50.答案 D [音乐老师在教室里来回走动,听到Gabriel弹奏乐器的声音,就走过来聆听。run跑;jog慢跑;jump跳;wander徘徊,游荡。wander over漫步。]

51.答案 B [前句是说他弹得不是特别好,后句是说,老师告诉他他有良好的辨音能力,并且建议他去音乐商店选适合自己的乐器。前后句间为转折关系。]

52.答案 A [老师认为Gabriel有着很好辨音能力,并建议他去挑一件称心的乐器。ear辨音力,灵敏的听力;taste鉴赏力,欣赏力,指对作品的欣赏能力。由于Gabriel没有经过专业的训练,不能说他有很好的音乐鉴赏能力,taste不符合语境。]

53.答案 C [occur to sb某人突然想起;take to开始喜欢;appeal to有吸引力,引起兴趣;hold to抓住。老师让Gabriel找一件自己喜欢的乐器。]

54.答案 B [Gabriel准备试一下大提琴,给大提琴一次机会,即尝试演奏一下大提琴。change改变;chance机会;mission任务;function功能。故选B。]

55.答案 C 根据But可知,前后是转折关系,下句说Gabriel发现自己很喜欢大提琴,说明前一句是说他只是随便拉一下。seriously认真地;proudly骄傲地;casually随便地;naturally自然地。

56.答案 A [根据“so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well”可知,花了几个月的时间练习之后,Gabriel的大提琴已经拉得非常好了。be committed to sth/doing sth致力于。be used to doing sth“习惯于做某事”;be limited to“被局限于……”;be admitted to“被……录取”。故选A。]

57.答案 D [本段与第一段呼应。学习音乐意味着早到学校,要把沉重的乐器背来背去,meant在此意为“意味着”。]

58.答案 B [此处是说,Gabriel也得早到学校练习拉琴,也要拖着沉重的乐器。drag指吃力地拖、拉某物,符合语境。push推;lift举起;rush冲。]

59.答案 B [根据“non-musicians”可知,这里指不学音乐的学生那种同情的表情,根据第一段可得出答案,应该是pitying。]

60.答案 C [leave aside搁置一边;leave sb/sth behind把……抛在后面,超过;leave out遗漏,不提及。这里指Gabriel走过去之后,身后的学生对他投来同情的目光。]
