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a university student 一名大学生

a map of China 中国地图

all of a sudden 突然

give me a hand 帮我一下

have a picnic 去野餐 = go on a picnic

have a good day 玩得开心

get an X-ray 拍X光片

the Great Wall 万里长城

all over the world 全世界

the first prize 一等奖

the capital of China 中国的首都

play the piano 弹钢琴


in the classroom 在教室里

in 2022 在2022年

inJune 在6月

in red 穿着红颜色衣服

in English 用英语

in this way 用这种方式

in detail 详细地

in person 亲自

in time 及时

in fact 事实上

in my opinion 在我看来

in class 在课堂上

hand in 上交

once in a while 偶尔 = at times

be interested in... 对...感兴趣 = have/take an interest in

play a rolein... 在...起作用

believe in 相信

take pride in... 以...为自豪 = be proud of...

be full of...充满 = be filled with..

be afraid of... 害怕...

withthe help of... 在...的帮助下

on Sunday 在周天

on June 15th, 2022

onthat day 在那天

on time 准时

on the phone 在打电话

on the desk 在书桌上

on the one hand... on the other hand... 一方面...另一方面

make a speech on... 做关于...的演讲

be hard on... 对...苛刻

go across the street 过马路 = cross the street

be good at...擅长于...

at the same time 同时

at once 立即

by oneself 独自

by the lake 在湖边

by hand 手工;用手

by chance 偶然 = by accident

be responsible for... 为...负责

be thirsty for... 渴望...

prepare for... 准备...

search for... 寻找...= look for...

for example 例如

lead to 导致,通向,引起

be thankful to... 对...感激

belong to.. 属于...

welcome to... 欢迎来到...

put...to good use 好好利用...

be worried about 担心

stop sb. fromdoing sth. 阻止某人做某事 = prevent sb. fromdoing sth.

= keep sb. from doingsth.

protect sb. from doing sth. 保护...免受...


be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事= be expected to do sth.

be able to do sth. 能够做某事

would like to do sth. 想要做某事

do one’s best to do sth. 竭尽全力做某事

plan to do sth. 计划做某事

refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

learn to do sth.学习做某事

agree to do sth. 同意做某事

decide to do sth. 决定做某事 = make a decision to do sth.

choose to do sth. 选择做某事

make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事 = try to do sth.

take actions to do sth. 采取行动做某事

a good way to do sth. 做某事的一种好方式

encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事

warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事

require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 ps: be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事

tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事

advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

You’d better do sth. 最好做某事

make sb. do sth.让某人做某事 ps: sb. be made to do sth. 被让做某事

be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

can’t help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事

look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事

have trouble/problems/difficulty doing sth. 做某事有困难

have fun doing sth. 做某事有乐趣

feel like doing sth. 想要做某事

keep doing sth. 保持做某事

like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 = enjoy doing sth = love doing sth.

practice doing sth. 练习做某事

see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事

finish doing sth. 完成做某事

avoid doing sth. 避免做某事

succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事

include doing sth. 包含做某事

by doing sth. 通过做某事

after doing sth. 在做某事之后

teach sb. sth. 教某人某物 = teach sth. to sb.

offer sb. sth. = offer sth. tosb. 提供某人某物

provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 提供某人某物

remember to do sth.记得要去做某事

remember doing sth. 记得做过某事


forget to do sth.忘记要去做某事

forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事

regret to do sth. 后悔要去做某事

regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事

It is adj. for sb. to do sth. 对于某人而言做某事是怎样的

A make/find/think it adj for B to do sth. A使得/发现/认为做某事对于B来说怎么样。

It’s time for...该是...的时候 = It’s time to do sth
