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外国网友问: 中国教育体系的优势是什么? 美国专家回答: 公平


The first advantage: relative fairness. For the children of farmers and workers who have no relationship and no money, education is the only way out. China's college entrance examination is an important moment for children to determine the height and breadth of life. It is the best opportunity for ordinary families to change their fate. More importantly, it is a fair competition moment for the state to adjust the interest pattern of all sectors of society.


Through the college entrance examination, students from poor families can enter universities to broaden their horizons and learn skills and knowledge that will help them survive and even promote national development. Chinese education has given countless ordinary people an opportunity to learn Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, biology, politics and geography, as well as an opportunity to see a broader world beyond their own existence. Therefore, educational equity is the equity of opportunities and rules.


The second advantage: compulsory education. China has implemented nine-year compulsory education for many years and is currently promoting twelve-year compulsory education. The purpose of compulsory education is to ensure the right of school-age children and adolescents to receive compulsory education and improve the cultural quality of the whole people. When the people's Republic of China was founded, the illiteracy rate was as high as 80% of the country's 540 million people. By 2021, China's illiteracy rate has dropped to 2.67%.


In the 70 years since the founding of the people's Republic of China, compulsory education has enabled more and more aspiring students to enter higher education institutions. Without the support of the state, these students may not have the opportunity to go to school at the beginning. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, many people ignore the reasons for education. It is education that improves the level and quality of people's education and contributes to the take-off of China's economy.


The third advantage: a solid foundation. China's basic education is relatively solid, so Chinese students have a lot of knowledge and strong problem-solving ability, especially in mathematics education. Mathematics is the foundation of science, so learning mathematics is of great help to China's modernization. Even Britain realized the advantages of China's basic education and began to introduce some Chinese teaching experience.


This is the fairest education system in the world. All schools use the same set of teaching materials and teaching aids, and participate in the life test - college entrance examination, which contains nine subjects every year. The test results are rated in a "double-blind" way and published nationwide. Then, the university will publish the "entrance threshold test score".


If you are above the filing score, you will be qualified to enter your favorite university. Otherwise, you will be out. Just look at the score, nothing else is important. Unless you win a gold medal or other major awards in the Olympic Games, you may be exempted from entrance examination. Otherwise, there is no exception.


Of course, there must be a certain degree of inequality here. For example, children from rich families may have the advantage of private tutoring, more extracurricular activities, such as sports and music, contact with high-end intellectuals, etc., but if their score in the exam is one point lower than the admission standard, they can only fall short of the success; Similarly, a poor student may have nothing but diligence, but if his score exceeds the admission score line, he will be admitted. If he is really in trouble, the state will provide student loans, and the university will pay all expenses - tuition, accommodation, etc.


The college entrance examination has enabled many young people from poor backgrounds to enter good universities and find ideal jobs. Then, often wait until they fall in love, they will find how terrible the "class gap" is. Sometimes their marriage partners will find how poor their native family is only when they get married. Due to different backgrounds and different lifestyles, they will arouse many contradictions in life. This phenomenon is so common in China that it inspired a popular novel genre, "Phoenix man and rich woman".


A 2012 OECD study surveyed Pisa scores of students with the lowest 25% of socio-economic backgrounds. If they perform best among candidates, they are classified as "flexible", in which Chinese students have the highest success rate and the most frequent class mobility.


By 2014, even the bottom 10% of Chinese 15-year-old children had better math scores than excellent students from 10 OECD countries, and China's poorest students beat the best students in our country.


When people are surprised that many Chinese students are trained to do arithmetic problems like 67 x 84 in their minds faster than computers, this is common in China!

当人们惊讶于许多的中国学生被训练以比电脑更快的速度在头脑中做像67 x 84这样的算术题时,这却在中国稀松平常!

This seems to be a tradition in China and has a very deep historical origin. If you look at the background of the famous Chinese government ministers since the Tang Dynasty (AD 800), most of them are from the poor to the middle class. Therefore, for more than 1200 years, education has been the biggest driving force for social upward mobility, because it always follows the following rules:


• national unified textbooks;

• same tests nationwide;

• double blind scoring;

• eliminate all other interference factors





Chinese people complain about their "college entrance examination" system day and night, but if you put them into the American education system, it will be difficult for them to adapt. what? Do you need a letter of recommendation from a celebrity to go to school? Can a rich father donate $5 million to the school to get his child an admission notice? This is impossible in China.


China's education system has trained the best candidates in the world.


From an early age, children are divided into kindergarten, primary school, middle school, high school, University and graduate programs - all through a series of standardized tests.


You may be dissatisfied with China's education system, but the fact is that it is producing the best candidates in the history of the world. In a highly competitive world, this skill is really useful.


The characteristic of China's education system is that it aims to train graduates with rich knowledge and successfully let students remember a large amount of knowledge and written materials.


However, insufficient attention is paid to critical or analytical thinking, creativity and originality. The problem is that Chinese culture is too old. The ancestors have studied everything thoroughly. Chinese students only need ready-made ones.


Therefore, foreign companies in China almost always like to let employees educated abroad hold senior management positions. They are more confident and have their own ideas. When you ask them to express their opinions on something, they tend to give their opinions more freely, while people under the mainland education system tend to avoid until they know what the "correct" answer is.

