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UCCA边缘: 托马斯-需求, "历史的结结巴巴"08 JULY - 04 SEPTEMBER 2022


UCCA边缘:托马斯-需求,"历史的结结巴巴"08 JULY - 04 SEPTEMBER 2022


Thomas Demand: The Stutter of History

2022.7.8 – 2022.9.4


Location: UCCA Edge

Career-wide survey of Thomas Demand’s architectonic photographic work presents disquieting, seemingly banal facsimiles of historical scenes, and the strange gap between the world we inhabit and the images we consume.

SHANGHAI, China — From July 8 to September 4, UCCA Edge presents “Thomas Demand: The Stutter of History,” a career-wide survey of Thomas Demand’s (b. 1964, Munich, lives and works in Berlin and Los Angeles) sculptural and photographic work that captures the uncanny intersections of history, images, and architectonic forms. Showing over 70 photographs, films, and wallpapers that span the arc of Demand’s career, this exhibition, his first comprehensive survey in China, will focus on four important areas of the artist’s work: large-scale photographs that depict seemingly banal but historically significant scenarios reconstructed based on news or other source images; the personal “Dailies” constructed from images taken with his phone; photographic studies of paper models by architects and a fashion designer in the “Model Studies” series; and the artist’s moving image work. “Thomas Demand: The Stutter of History” is curated by Douglas Fogle for the non-profit organization the Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography (FEP, Minneapolis/Paris/Lausanne), and is organized at UCCA Edge by Ara Qiu, Mason Zha, Zhang Yao, and Lin Luqi. UCCA Edge thanks audiences for their understanding regarding the impact that recent pandemic-related restrictions have had on the exhibition’s originally planned opening date and duration. We are also grateful for the cooperation of museum visitors as we follow recommended pandemic prevention measures to ensure a safe viewing experience for all.



地点。 UCCA边缘


中国上海--从7月8日到9月4日,UCCA Edge展出了 "Thomas Demand: Thomas Demand(1964年生于慕尼黑,在柏林和洛杉矶生活和工作)的雕塑和摄影作品,捕捉历史、图像和建筑形式之间不可思议的交集。本次展览展出了70多张照片、电影和壁纸,跨越了德莫德的职业生涯,这是他在中国的第一次全面调查,将集中在艺术家作品的四个重要领域:描绘看似平庸但具有历史意义的场景的大型照片,根据新闻或其他来源的图像重建;用手机拍摄的个人 "样片";"模型研究 "系列中建筑师和一位时装设计师的纸模型摄影研究;以及艺术家的移动图像作品。"Thomas Demand: 历史的结巴 "由道格拉斯-福格尔为非营利组织摄影展览基金会(FEP,明尼阿波利斯/巴黎/洛桑)策划,并由Ara Qiu、Mason Zha、张瑶和林璐琪在UCCA Edge组织。UCCA Edge感谢观众对近期大流行病相关限制对展览原定开幕日期和时间的影响的理解。我们也感谢博物馆参观者的合作,我们遵循推荐的大流行病预防措施,以确保所有人的安全观看体验。


本次演讲由Prada赞助。UCCA感谢Kvadrat的特别支持和多乐士的独家墙面解决方案支持。感谢UCCA基金会理事会、国际圈和青年协会的成员,以及首席合作伙伴Aranya、首席艺术书籍合作伙伴DIOR、呈现合作伙伴Bloomberg、Voyage Group、Yinyi Biotech,以及支持合作伙伴Active House、Barco、BenQ、Clivet、Dulux和Genelec。城市之窗户外媒体平台也为本次展览提供了支持。


伴随着这次展览,艺术家、艺术总监Naomi Mizusaki和Demand的长期出版商MACK合作制作了英文目录《历史的结巴》。目录中包含了道格拉斯-福格尔的策展介绍,艺术史学家玛格丽特-伊弗森的文章,以及苏格兰作家阿里-史密斯的原创散文小说,灵感来自艺术家的一幅照片。


在 "托马斯-德莫德 "的展览期间。UCCA Edge将在每个周末推出一系列丰富的公共活动,包括由特别嘉宾带领的四次鼓舞人心的展览参观,八次与托马斯-德莫德作品密切相关或受其启发的对话和研讨会,以及与艺术家和学者的座谈会。由于日程安排和活动地点可能会有变化,请在我们的官方网站、微信账户和其他社交媒体平台上关注UCCA Edge,了解更多细节和潜在的更新。所有活动均对公众免费开放,并需要提前报名。

Support and Sponsorship

This presentation is sponsored by Prada. UCCA thanks Kvadrat for their special support and Dulux for exclusive wall solutions support. Gratitude to the members of UCCA Foundation Council, International Circle, and Young Associates, as well as Lead Partner Aranya, Lead Art Book Partner DIOR, Presenting Partners Bloomberg, Voyage Group, Yinyi Biotech, and Supporting Partners Active House, Barco, BenQ, Clivet, Dulux, and Genelec. City Window Outdoor Media Platform also provided support for this exhibition.

Exhibition Catalogue

Accompanying the exhibition, the English-language catalogue The Stutter of History has been produced in collaboration between the artist, art director Naomi Mizusaki, and Demand’s longtime publisher MACK. The catalogue contains a curatorial introduction by Douglas Fogle, an essay by the art historian Margaret Iversen, and an original prose fiction piece by the Scottish author Ali Smith, inspired by one of the artist’s photographs.

Public Programs

During the exhibition period of “Thomas Demand: The Stutter of History,” UCCA Edge will present a series of enriching public programs every weekend, including four inspiring exhibition tours led by special guests, eight conversations and workshops on topics closely related to or inspired by the work of Thomas Demand, and panels with artists and scholars. As scheduling and event venues may be subject to change, please follow UCCA Edge on our official website, WeChat account, and other social media platforms for more details and potential updates. All events are free to the public, and require advanced registration.

【厦门】郑润泽「春夏秋冬」巡演厦门站 (嘉宾:队长YoungCaptain/飞行少年)
