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数字塞浦路斯: 59.2%年轻人接受过高等教育


值得注意的是,塞浦路斯由于其规模和人口,在NUTS 2级统计分析中被认为是一个单一领域。立陶宛首都地区以73.6%领先,其次是11个地区,包括法国、爱尔兰、荷兰、波兰、匈牙利、瑞典、卢森堡和丹麦的首都,其中60.0%以上年轻人接受高等教育。

这些在高等教育取得成就的地区,通常对高素质的人群极具吸引力,提供多样化的教育、就业和生活方式机会。专门从事研究、创新或高科技的地区,如荷兰的乌得勒支和西班牙的País Vasco,也获得了较高的高等教育率。


59.2% of Young Adults Attain Tertiary Education in 2022

High Educational Attainment in Cyprus and Across EU Regions

In 2022, Cyprus saw 59.2% of its population aged 25-34 attain tertiary education, surpassing the EU average of 42.0%, as reported by Eurostat. This places Cyprus well above the EU’s 2030 target of 45.0% in this age group.

Notably, Cyprus, due to its size and population, is considered a single area in the NUTS 2 level of statistical analysis. The Lithuanian capital region leads with 73.6%, followed by 11 regions, including the capitals of France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Luxembourg, and Denmark, where over 60.0% of young adults have tertiary education.

These high-achieving regions are often attractive to highly qualified individuals, offering diverse educational, employment, and lifestyle opportunities. Regions specializing in research, innovation, or high-technology, such as Utrecht in the Netherlands and País Vasco in Spain, also recorded high tertiary education rates.

Conversely, 17 regions, mainly in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechia, Italy, and France, had less than 25% of their young adults with tertiary education. Factors influencing these figures include rural settings, low skilled job opportunities, and a focus on vocational education leading to apprenticeships rather than academic qualifications.

The lowest levels of tertiary education were observed in regions like Sud - Muntenia and Sud - Est in Romania, Severozápad in Czechia, and Észak-Magyarország in Hungary.
