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对“团队”一词的扩展理解-第一篇: 关于“团队”的基本


熟悉APQP的朋友们都知道,产品先期策划中有10个基本原理。其中,“组建团队(Organize the Team)”这一原则排在这些原则的第1位。


基于此,本人将一本英文书籍(《ADVANCED PRODUCT QUALITY PLANNING,THE ROAD TO SUCCESS》)中关于“团队”的一些内容翻译出来,与您一起分享。




chapter eight Teams

第8章 团队



We all know that "QUALITY" is a team discipline. That means everyone is responsible for quality. However, the "quality discipline" as practiced has deviated from that principle, and we view it as a separate administrative function of the organization. It is unfortunate, but that is where we are.


When we practice the methodologies of APQP, PPAP, FMEA, and many other activities the "team" is the center of that activity. The reason for this is that no individual can perform all the requirements needed for their completion. Therefore, the "need for the team" is essential for completion of the tasks based on experience and knowledge required. So, to appreciate what the team can do, let us decompose the word as an acronym.


T – together

T− 团结E – everyone

E− 每人

A – accomplishes

A – 实现

M – more

M – 更多

One can see when the word "team" when is thus decomposed, it shows that cooperation from everyone is necessary for success. This cooperation is called synergy.


Therefore, the purpose of creating teams is to provide a framework that will increase the ability of employees to participate in planning, problem-solving, and decision-making to better serve customers. After all, increased participation promotes:


A better understanding of decisions


More support for and participation in implementation plans


Increased contribution to problem-solving and decision making


More ownership of decisions, processes, and changes


In order for teams to fulfill their intended role of improving organizational effectiveness, it is critical that teams develop into working units focused on their goal, mission, or reason for existing. They do this by effectively progressing and understanding the key ingredients through the stages of team development. So, let us focus then on how we get that success through the "team" concept.


The first and perhaps the most important thing is to identify and define the purpose of the team. In its simplest terms, a team is an interdependent group of employees who unite around a particular task, project, or objective. That unification must be in place before anything else is undertaken.


The second important ingredient that will solidify the existence of a successful team is the appropriate culture: if anyone truly values and wants to encourage teamwork and collaboration, your organization's culture (management, union, and employees at large) must support the activities and provide appropriate skills to do these activities as needed. It is imperative that management must give the authority and responsibility to the team so that the necessary actions may be taken care of. Therefore, management needs to demonstrate leadership and create a work environment that expects, fosters, rewards, and recognizes teamwork.


It is management leadership style that facilitates cooperation and adjustment to culture. One of the fundamentals is to be serious enough to select an effective team with excellent interpersonal communication dynamics and relationships. To this end, the selected members must be clear about the purpose for the team and about each other's roles on the team. Further, the team must have the appropriate knowledge (theoretical and process) to figure out how to evaluate the progress and the effectiveness of the team in relation to the problem at hand.


The third ingredient is empowerment given to the team members. That means that the team must have the authority and responsibility to take actions regarding the pending solutions of the problem. Fear of intimidation in all forms must be absent. Here we must differentiate two terms within the concept of empowerment. They are: (a) commitment, which is primarily a function of management and must be demonstrated in terms of continuous encouragement (delegation) and providing the appropriate and applicable resources as needed to employees, and (b) involvement, on the other hand, is primarily an employee function. It is an essential ingredient to improvement as long as the employees "feel" that their suggestions and actions have a real or significant impact on the decisions and actions that affect their jobs. With empowerment, authority, responsibility, commitment and involvement, it must be understood that none of these are considered "goals" or specific "tools." Rather they are philosophies that drive and enable management leadership to pursue culture change in the name of "quality" with teams for improvement.

第三个要素是赋予团队成员一定权力。这意味着,团队必须有权力和责任就有待解决的问题采取行动。绝不能有各种形式的恐吓。在这里,我们必须区分授权概念中的两个术语。它们是:(a) 承诺,这主要是管理层的职能,必须在持续鼓励(授权)和向员工提供所需的适当和适用的资源方面表现出来,以及(b)参与,另一方面,主要是员工的职能。只要员工“感觉”到他们的建议和行动对影响他们工作的决策和行动有真实或重大的影响,它就是改进的一个基本要素。对于授权、权力、责任、承诺和参与,我们必须明白,这些都不被视为“目标”或具体的“工具”。相反,它们是推动和使管理领导层以“质量”的名义与团队一起追求文化变更的理念,以促进改进。

The fourth ingredient is communication. This means that communication should always be two-way, which implies that the team must communicate good and bad issues to management periodically (or as they occur) and not wait until the completion of the project. It also means that management must communicate all pertinent information to the team as soon as it is known. If everyone believes and practices honest and truthful communication practices then a productive teamwork environment will be the result.


The fifth and final ingredient is team success. Team success is not "a given" at any point. Rather it must be planned, organized, and cultivated by management. Management's influence may be demonstrated in many ways. Perhaps, one of the primary methods of influence is to allow time early on to convert the selected group into an actionable team. That process was developed in 1965 by Dr. B. Tuckman, who identified the four stages of team development as forming, storming, norming, and performing. In the 1977s he added one more stage: adjourning. It is beyond the scope of book to elaborate on each of the stages, although a very short synopsis of each step follows.


Forming: The first stage is where a group of people comes together to accomplish a shared purpose. More often than not this stage is used for introductions and sharing background knowledge. Their initial success will depend on their familiarity with each other's work style, their experience on prior teams, and the clarity of their assigned mission. The role of the sponsor (champion) is to break the ice of the initial meeting and help the group members get to know each other through team-building activities or just a listening ear.


Storming: This is the stage for active challenging. It is a struggle between members to make sure that everyone is on the same level of understanding about roles and expectations. Quite often in this stage disagreements about mission, vision, and ways to approach the problem or assignment are a reality. This disagreement sometimes becomes a struggle and very vocal primarily due to combined issues of misunderstanding in the directives about the intent of the team, the unfamiliarity of the individual participants, and the luck of knowledge as to how to interact and communicate with others. The role of the sponsor (champion) in this stage is continuously that of a helper. His or her services may be needed to help the group members familiarize themselves with each other by offering team-building activities or just listening to their concerns. In addition, the sponsor may need to help the leader clarify each of the assignments and expectations so that success may prevail.


Norming: In this stage we observe the first indications of team formation. We see the members consciously or unconsciously form working relationships that enable progress on the team's objectives. We observe significant agreements about their own roles and a functional improvement towards working together for the pre- set objectives. The role of the sponsor (champion) in this stage is to audit the team for any updates or specific needs that may be needed and making sure that the goal of the team is on schedule.


Performing: This is the stage where the efficiency of the team is apparent as relationships between team members have solidified and team processes are understood more often than not unconsciously. In this stage the team has come to be a functional team as real work is progressing. The role of the sponsor (champion) in this stage is to ask for periodic updates from the team. Help solve problems and provide input as needed. Make sure that team members are communicating with all of the other appropriate parties in the workplace. The sponsor makes sure that (a) the team is not operating in a vacuum and (b) breaks up or facilitates bottlenecks.


Transforming: This is the stage during which team performance is going so well that members exhibit enthusiasm, satisfaction with their experience, and pride in their accomplishment. The role of the sponsor (champion) here is to make sure that everything is continuing as well as expected; indeed, the role of the sponsor is very minimal if it is needed at all.


Ending (Adjourning): This is the stage where the team has completed its mission or purpose and it is time for team members to pursue other goals or projects. In adjourning, the role of the sponsor (champion) is to make sure that the team schedules an ending ceremony. The content should cover: (a) a general debrief; (b) a discussion as to whether the team could have been more successful, and if so, what could have been done; (c) an open-minded constructive criticism of the process; (d) recognition of the team and exemplary individual efforts; and (e) celebrate.


Not every team moves through these stages in order, and various activities—such as adding a new team member—can send the team back to an earlier stage while the new member is incorporated. We must remember that in all cases team members (a) operate with a high degree of inter-dependence, (b) share authority and responsibility for self-management, (c) are accountable for the collective performance, and (d) work toward a common goal and shared rewards(s). After all, a team becomes more than just a collection of people (group) when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members.

并非每个团队都能按部就班的经历这些阶段,各种活动−比如增加一个新的团队成员 − 可能会使团队回到较早的阶段,而新成员则被纳入其中。我们必须记住,在所有情况下,团队成员(a)以高度的相互依赖性运作,(b)分享自我管理的权力和责任,(c)对集体表现负责,以及(d)为共同的目标和共同的奖励而努力。毕竟,当强烈的相互承诺感产生协同作用时,一个团队就不仅仅是一个人(团体)的集合,从而产生比其个别成员的表现之和更大的表现。

The length of time necessary for progressing through these stages depends on the experience of the members, the support the team receives, and the knowledge and skill of the team members. It must emphasized that the stages mentioned apply to teams that are not expected to stay formed forever. In the case of a department team, a social media team, a customer service team, and so forth, the same stages apply to these ongoing teams except the ending doesn't occur. In any case, we can say that the development of a successful team and teamwork culture is certainly difficult and exciting.




