“接人”, “送人” 用英语怎么说?
“接人”,“送人” 用英语怎么说?drop offpick up01drop off/drɑp ɔf/“drop off”的意思是:把......送到某个地点,把......送下车。...

你太过分了, 用英语怎么说?

小郎教口语, “做作的”用英语怎么说?
cheesy/ˈtʃiː.zi/Cheesy is a great informal way to talk about shoddy or slightly unpleasant things. It comes from late 18...

Hayley教口语, “歌单”用英语怎么说?
playlistan electronic file containing a list of audio or video files that can be played back on a media player sequentia...

Hayley教口语, “摊牌”用英语怎么说?
put/lay one's cards on the table这个习惯表达的意思是诚实地、毫无保留地透露你的真实意图或计划,尤指在商业交易或其他谈判中...

team playerteam player有团队精神的人A team player is someone who works well as a member of a team, especially in busines...

Hayley教口语, “…多的是”用英语怎么说?
be plenty more where sb/sth came fromto be a lot more things or people of the same type available…多的是"There's plenty...

Hayley教口语, “插不进话”用英语怎么说?
not get a word in edgeways“get a word in edgeways” 的意思是设法在对话中插嘴,在别人说话时找机会表达你自己。也可以说成get...

Hayley教口语, “一点就着”用英语怎么说?
fly off the handleto become uncontrollably angry; to lose control of one's temper变得无法控制地生气;失控;控制不住自己的...

“扔垃圾 ”用英语怎么说? 才不是throw rubbish!
一个有趣的现象我们总是直接用某个动词翻译成英文使用但英文真的可以这样“乱”用吗?前几天,皮卡丘听到有人说“扔”垃圾“Throw the...