小学英语作文, 家长辅导英语写作, 《如何做一个有礼貌的孩子》
How to Be a Polite Child如何做一个有礼貌的孩子Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about how to be a polite child.大...

小学英语作文, 家长辅导英语写作, 《学好一门外语有多重要》
A Foreign Language学好一门外语有多重要There are many rats living in the forest near the foot of a hill.山脚附近的森林里...

小学英语写作日常训练, 小学英语双语阅读, 一次浪漫的“意外”
A Romantic “Accident”一次浪漫的“意外”I would not have known my wife Xiaojing If I hadn’t had the accident.如果我没有发生...